Lets talk about Eat, Sleep, Repeat

 Hi friends,

Being a mother on maternity leave sure has it's perks. I get to spend all day with my bubbas watching them grow and develop in their first year of life. Sometimes I have this feeling that I never want it to end. However, there are times when I start to feel like everyday is merging into one. I find I don't even know which day it is (once I woke up on a Saturday in sheer panic that we had overslept and my toddler had missed school). 

Our daily routine goes a little something like this. Wake up for 6am milk feeds x2. I then put twins back into bed and play with them whilst I wait for 7.30am so I can wake my toddler, aka sleeping beauty. He has his morning wash and then I prepare and wait for him to eat his breakfast (why do toddlers take FOREVER to eat??) We then gets his uniform on (joint effort because.. well toddler) and we are out the door with the twins in tow for an 8.45am drop off. I return home, settle the twins for a nap and then have my morning coffee whilst catching up on dishes and a quick tidy of the house. The twins eventually wake, have their breakfast and then playtime. After entertaining them for a few hours they finally settle for their second nap. During this nap I take a little break and catch up on some me time. I then wake them and we get ready to do the 3pm pick up. I make a quick after school snack for my toddler whilst contemplating what delight I will cook for dinner that night. Twins will then have another feed and snack then go for their final nap around 5pm. Daddy comes home around 6.30pm (7pm when he feels he wants to take that extra bit longer). At this point I cook dinner frantically so I can get my toddler to bed at a reasonable time (aiming for 8pm - although highly unrealistic in my house¹) Once all the boys (including Daddy) and myself are fed we complete bedtime routines. By 9pm everyone is shattered (mostly me) but I want to relish in the silence a bit longer and end up staying up until 11pm! EAT SLEEP REPEAT.

Weekends are a little similar minus the drop offs, pick ups and if I am lucky I may just get a lay in. (Until 8am of course because kids are always early birds!) Weekends are especially used to deep clean and de clutter the house. If I am lucky then the clean house might last me until Monday. This usually isn't the case.

Somedays I do look forward to returning back to work, but then I look at my boys and that thought lasts all but 0.5seconds. I love EAT SLEEP REPEAT.

I know every household routine will be different to mine, but I'm guessing the motto is the same for alot of us. I'd love to hear any of your routines! Head over to my instagram 'Mumslifeinwords' for more updates and content.

All the best,



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