
Lets talk about partners

 Hi Friends, Does anyone else feel that their partner is the cool parent whilst you are stuck in the strict mum zone? Are you labelled the fun police? Then look no further my friends, this is the club for you! I love my partner to bits, but somedays it really does feel like the children give him alot more credit than due. I am constantly running around making sure they are safe, fed, bathed, changed, clothed and refreshed from naptime. Yes, on top of working a real job too! Daddy goes to work, comes home, has his me time and then spends a few minutes playing with them and he is hailed the best parent ever. At first it was cute. I loved seeing their faces light up and running to daddy. I didn't mind so much either when the twins first words were 'Da Da' (although I'm sure I heard one of them say 'mama' once!) But COME ONNNN. Everyday its tantrums for daddy bedtime, tantrums for daddy feed me, tantrums for daddy cuddles. When does mummy get the spotlight?? I mean

Lets talk about sleep deprivation

 Hi friends, Happy new year! Sorry it has been a while. Momma and fam caught the dreaded C word and only now recovering from what has been a long, tiring journey. Moving on to the title.... sleep deprivation. Has anyone ever felt so tired that even the thought of bedtime makes them tired?? I really feel like I'm at a place where I am never going to see a full nights sleep again. Sleep deprivation for me began well before the twins were here. During pregnancy, the urge to sleep was so profound, but as I lay in bed every night the little light never would switch off. It was either I was too big and uncomfortable, or I needed to pee every 5 minutes, or my mind was just racing with 101 different thoughts. Some nights i would cry as I would crave just a few hours sleep before my toddler would wake. I used to try different methods just to see if I could crack the code. My bedding would reek of lavender sleep spray, the room would be super dark and white noise playing. I would have a swit

Lets talk about C-Sections

 Hi friends, Lets talk about C-sections. Firstly, I just want to say I salute all mothers who have endured any or all types of labour and delivery. Labour is hard, labour is painful, labour feels like forever. You are all strong, wonderful, amazing humans and I stand with you. When it comes to delivery (not the amazon parcel to your doorstep type) there are a few options that come to mind. You can give birth in hospital, at home, midwifery units (if available), theatre. You could have an all natural drug free labour, induced labour, forceps and other surgical tools required or caesarean section (c section). But we all have one common goal at the end of it, to have our babies out in the world. As a 2 time c-section momma, I can only speak of my personal experience on this. I am fully aware that not everyone's experience will be the same but hopefully some of this article will resonate with some of you wonderful women. Have you ever heard the phrase c-sections are not real labour? C-

Lets talk about body changes

Hi friends, Prior to having kids, I was easily a size 6/8. I took this for granted as I would eat anything and everything and would never gain weight. It was amazing. A good diet and intentional exercise was non existent at this point in my life as I never felt I actually needed it as work kept me on my toes. (more fool me). When I first fell pregnant in 2017, I was 26 years old. By this point, I underestimated how quickly I would grow in my pregnancy. Whilst I was pregnant, a large number of my colleagues had also fell pregnant so it was easy for me to fall into the 'comparison' trap. I would constantly compare symptoms, size, highs and lows. I noticed that those that were carrying boys (like me) were on the larger side by the end of the pregnancy and grew quicker in the pregnancy as opposed to those colleagues carrying girls (I know its an old wives tale but maybe there is some truth in there about larger bumps being boys?) By 3 months there was no hiding the fact I was pregn

Lets talk about Eat, Sleep, Repeat

 Hi friends, Being a mother on maternity leave sure has it's perks. I get to spend all day with my bubbas watching them grow and develop in their first year of life. Sometimes I have this feeling that I never want it to end. However, there are times when I start to feel like everyday is merging into one. I find I don't even know which day it is (once I woke up on a Saturday in sheer panic that we had overslept and my toddler had missed school).  Our daily routine goes a little something like this. Wake up for 6am milk feeds x2. I then put twins back into bed and play with them whilst I wait for 7.30am so I can wake my toddler, aka sleeping beauty. He has his morning wash and then I prepare and wait for him to eat his breakfast (why do toddlers take FOREVER to eat??) We then gets his uniform on (joint effort because.. well toddler) and we are out the door with the twins in tow for an 8.45am drop off. I return home, settle the twins for a nap and then have my morning coffee whils

Lets talk about Terrible 2's

Hi friends, Where to begin with this one? Firstly, in my experience the terrible 2's did not start at 2. Oh no, my little one decided he wanted to enter this phase earlier... 1.5years to be exact. 🙄 Prior to 1.5years my little one was a sweet, compassionate gremlin who adored hugs and kisses. The word 'No' was nowhere within his vocabulary. 'What an Angel' I would think to myself as he dutifully let me brush his teeth before bedtime. My son could do no wrong. He was adorable plonking around and eating whatever conspicuous meal I had made that night for dinner. 'Parenting is easy..' I would say.  Little did I know that soon after would the defiance kick in. Terrible 2's is described as a toddlers developmental milestone in which they begin to understand a new lease of independence. A strong urge to challenge their parents and see how far they can go would be my definition. There have been many tears (mainly from me) as we both tried to understand this ne

Lets talk about pregnancy

 Hi Friends, Thank you for those that have stuck around so far. I have so much more to talk about and this is a wonderful platform for us to get together and have an open book discussion. You can also head over to my instagram 'mumslifeinwords' to join in on some more fun! Now, lets talk about pregnancy.  For some of us, seeing that double line on the test can be a thrilling yet frightening experience. Thrilling because of the thought of bringing a child into the world, someone you're going to love unconditionally. Frightening because, well because you are bringing a child into the world. A little human who is going to solely depend on you. Physically, mentally and emotionally depend on you 24/7/365. There are no days off. No break times. No lunch hour. No salary. It's all on you. A full time job some may call it. As the news of being pregnant started to sink in for me, I was already experiencing the dreaded first trimester symptoms. If you were lucky enough to have ski