
Showing posts from March, 2022

Lets talk about partners

 Hi Friends, Does anyone else feel that their partner is the cool parent whilst you are stuck in the strict mum zone? Are you labelled the fun police? Then look no further my friends, this is the club for you! I love my partner to bits, but somedays it really does feel like the children give him alot more credit than due. I am constantly running around making sure they are safe, fed, bathed, changed, clothed and refreshed from naptime. Yes, on top of working a real job too! Daddy goes to work, comes home, has his me time and then spends a few minutes playing with them and he is hailed the best parent ever. At first it was cute. I loved seeing their faces light up and running to daddy. I didn't mind so much either when the twins first words were 'Da Da' (although I'm sure I heard one of them say 'mama' once!) But COME ONNNN. Everyday its tantrums for daddy bedtime, tantrums for daddy feed me, tantrums for daddy cuddles. When does mummy get the spotlight?? I mean